Ka mōwai te whenua
Calm the storm within.
Ocarina Puoro is a 3D printed, vessel flute embellished with traditional kōwhaiwhai patterns.
They are not traditional Māori instruments and should not be considered or referred to as such.
The patterns are based on a whai (stingray) - a significant animal in Te Moana nui a Kiwa that represents protection, wit, and adaptability.
Each colourway is printed with a special gradient, iridescent filament inspired by the 4 seasons, Raumati, Ngahuru, Kōanga and Hōtoke. There are also two new colourways, Pango and Mā.
Ocarina Puoro is made from 100% PLA plant-based bioplastic. It is made from renewable natural resources such as corn starch and tapioca products.
All waste material is used in the production of 100% recycled plastic panels, thanks to the team at Critical design. Click here to check out their website.
HoW To PLAY Your
oCARINA puoro
Learn more about the Ocarina Puoro, and how to draw out the beautiful, healing sounds of your Ocarina Puoro with this short tutorial from the creator, Jesse Armstrong.

behind the scenes
The KONEI x VAKA vlog series takes you behind the scenes of 3D printing and the origins of the Ocarina Puoro.
Join Jesse Armstrong, the founder of Vaka and Manawa Udy, founder of Konei, on the journey to releasing the Ocarina Puoro for Matariki 2023.

sponsorship campaign
Getting tech into the hands of tamariki across Aotearoa.